Spring 2020 Registration
Spring Session Dates: April 10 - June 5, 2020
Given these recent developments with the coronavirus, we believe it is in the best interest of Sankofa families, to postpone the Spring 2020 Session of the Sankofa Homeschool Collective until Friday, April 10. We will now have a 9-week session. The new dates will be:
Spring Session Dates: April 10- June 5
Days: Fridays from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Ages 9-12
Pan African History
Level 1
10:00 am -11:00 am
Class Description: This upcoming semester our students will learn and explore the relationship between the dynamics that played a crucial role in helping many of our incomparable freedom fighters evolve, and how their service and contributions impacted both their generational space and future generations centuries and decades well beyond their transition.
The class has a Pan-African and International focus. Because of this concentration, the class deals with the current challenges we face in every corner of the world today. This safeguards against the attempts by the western institutional framework, to encourage learning and exploring ancient African history for the sole purpose of propagating the notion that Africa is part of our past, not our present and future.

Instructor: Obi Egbuna, Jr.

Ages 4-8
World Geography through
10:00 am -11:00 am
Class Description: What country has the highest African population outside of the continent of Africa? What language did the Arawak people of Guyana speak? How do you make Mola Art? Do you know how to count to 10 in Swahili? Where can one find over 4 countries in one continent where the Blue Marlin fish lives off the coast? What country is also a continent? These and other questions will be answered in this fun & interactive class! Children will be taken on a virtual journey each week to a different country, region and/or continent.
Lessons will be focused on geography including maps, directions, flags, culture, art, animals & lifestyles for each area of focus. Children will learn counting & vocabulary in different languages through games and instruction, along with age-appropriate worksheets and homework. Each lesson will include a take-home arts & craft project to help reinforce the lesson. This class will give you a precursor to what your child would receive as a camper at Kids & Culture Camp. For more information on the camp, go to: www.kidsandculture.com.

Instructor: Jessica Silva

Ages 13 & Up
Street Photography
Red Lantern Studio
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Class Description:
In this class we will explore the diversity and creativity of Washington, DC. The students will be introduced to what Mama Ray refers to as Street Photography/Documentary Photography. There will be a brief discussion on the history of photography, along with a hands-on exercise that will include exploring various cameras, film and shooting techniques.
Students will then discuss the process of what Mama Ray likes to call “search & shoot”, while out in various neighborhoods across the city. Every other week, the class will venture out into different communities to shoot. The following week, students will return to the classroom to discuss and critique their work. The importance of documenting where we live will be discussed, as well as understanding the transformative power of using your camera, as a powerful tool.
Through other exercises, students will discover how photography and your individual point of view has the potential to elicit emotions and/or be a vehicle for true change in your community, and the world.
The students will learn how to edit and print their photos. By the end of the session, they will have a portfolio to display their work from throughout the session.

Ages 9-12 - Girls
Black Girl Magic: Literary Analysis and Composition
11:00 am -12 noon
Course Description:
Theme: I Am My Sister's Keeper
In this literature and composition course, girls will analyze classic and contemporary works that celebrate Black women and girls and explore the concepts of identity, sisterhood and personal power. They will engage in discussions, interactive exercises and writing activities that will further their understanding of self, beauty, family and culture.
The girls will also examine themselves and discuss strategies for developing and maintaining positive self-images.
Black Girl Magic is designed to introduce our daughters to writers of African descent, particularly women, and the brilliant stories they write. Through the literature’s female characters, the hope is that students will hear their voices amplified and see themselves more clearly. The purpose of this class is also to sharpen critical thinking and written and oral communication skills.

Ages 4 & Up
African Drumming
3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Class Description: Students first learn the traditional musical theory behind the five percussive instruments of the Djembe Orchestra: the stick drums - Sangba, Dununba, and Kenkeni; the bells - Kenken; and the hand drums - Djembe. Students then learn traditional West African rhythms created in the 10th-13th centuries and go on to create their own rhythmic variations with elements of contemporary music (hip-hop, go-go, funk, jazz, etc.) using the djembe orchestra.
Baba Mahiri is a Master Drummer and has been teaching many of the children in Sankofa Homeschool since they were 2 or 3 years old!
We are looking to reinstate the Homeschool Drum class beginning on Friday, March 6th and have it run the 10 weeks of the Spring 2020 session.
***The location for the class would be at the Adinkra Cultural Arts Studios (ACAS) in Mt. Rainier, MD.***

Instructor: Baba Mahiri

Ages 12 & Up
The "Proof’s in the Pudding”
Research Project
Class Description:
I Am Sun Un-Schooling Presents:
The “Proof’s in the Pudding” Research Project, where students engage in a massive communal civic engagement project to intricately educate ourselves on the policies and positions of 2020 presidential candidates, based on their actions and words. Students will then engage in intellectual dialogue surrounding which candidates may best uphold our individual and communal principles, referencing Kwanzaa and indigenous Afrocentric principles, as well as issues that most affect our families and lives.

Preshona Ambrita Ghose

Ages 5-10
The Griot:
Cosplay and Folklore
11:00 am -12 noon
Class Description: Where does folklore come from? Who creates these exciting mysterious characters? We do! In this class each student will create their own mythical hero using traditional African and other indigenous peoples’ well-known symbolisms. Students will then incorporate well known symbols such as colors and animals to design the physical characteristics of their hero. These new folklore Characters will be used in a retelling of the Ashanti story of Anansi’s Sons. Students will design their own costumes to match their hero.
The class will provide basic knowledge of acting techniques and movement to develop your child’s imagination, creativity and confidence. Theater concepts will be explored through acting, improvisation, movement, creative dramatics, storybook theatre, music, brainstorming sessions, and cultural explorations. Activities are focused on guiding the children through the collaborative process of staging a performance. Dramatic Arts are a wonderful tool to unlock children’s imaginations. In addition to Language Arts, instruction is designed to incorporate academic subjects such as Logic and Cultural Studies, as well as life skills such as working with a group, leadership skills, and relaxing and concentrating under pressure.

Instructor: Aliya Bowie

Ages 13 & Up
Pan African History
Level 2
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Class Description: This upcoming semester our students will learn and explore the relationship between the dynamics that played a crucial role in helping many of our incomparable freedom fighters evolve, and how their service and contributions impacted both their generational space and future generations centuries and decades well beyond their transition.
The class has a Pan-African and International focus. Because of this concentration, the class deals with the current challenges we face in every corner of the world today. This safeguards against the attempts by the western institutional framework, to encourage learning and exploring ancient African history for the sole purpose of propagating the notion that Africa is part of our past, not our present and future.

Instructor: Obi Egbuna, Jr.

Ages 13 & Up
Argumentative Writing for Teens
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Class Description: In this class, your opinions are valid -- as long as you can back them up with sound evidence and convincing wordplay. If you don't know how to do that, this class can help you. Students enrolled in this course learn the basics of argumentative writing by studying the works of influential African women and men and writing an argumentative essay of their own. Their instructor, a grassroots journalist, will guide them along the writing process -- from conceptualization to outlining, drafting, proofreading and editing, all the way to the final version.
After this course, there's no reason why any young person shouldn't be able to successfully convey their original thoughts to each other and elders.

Sam P.K. Collins

Ages 5 & Up
African Dance Class
3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Class Description: West African dance classes are exciting, interactive, and teach full body coordination while building grace & stamina at an early age.

Instructor: Lesina Martin

Ages - 13 and up
Children of Virtue & Vengeance - A Literary Analysis
10:00 am -11:00 am
Class Description: This class will be a survey of the novel "Children of Virtue and Vengeance" written by Tomi Adeyemi. This book is the 2nd in the Legacy of Orisha Trilogy. The course will continue the students' introduction to the world of Afrofuturism, black speculative and sci-fi literature from previous classes.
We will continue to explore the world of African gods, goddesses and magic and delve deeper into the epic story of Zélie and her comrades who fought to bring magic back to this world and their people. Now that magic is back, Zelie struggles to unite all the maji to keep power from the hands of the royals and military who have formed a dangerous alliance. We will highlight the modern-day connections to “real world” issues of power/class/race depicted in this journey.
Additional focus will be given to students’ participation in class exercises and art projects. This class provides a foundational understanding of Afro-futurism literature, and a deeper awareness of how the sci-fi genre is a powerful lens into future innovations in culture and humanity. Students will complete this class with increased analytical & visual literacy skills, and a deeper connection to how the culture and history of the African diaspora has been creatively expressed by contemporary authors.

Instructor: Geoff Edwards

All Ages(Beginning/Intermediate)
Mandarin Chinese ~
Through the Arts
11:00 am -12 noon
Class Description: This class will focus on basic Chinese lessons about daily life so children can understand their everyday life. https://www.saatchiart.com/meimeichang
Students will:
1. Learn to speak.
2. Learn greeting and characters.
3. Learn Chinese arts and cultures.
3. Explore their surroundings through learning Chinese.
4. Play games and have fun learning Chinese.

Instructor: Mei Mei Chang

Ages 13-16 - Girls
Black Girl Magic: Literary Analysis and Composition
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Class Description:
Theme: I Am My Sister's Keeper
In this literature and composition course, girls will analyze classic and contemporary works that celebrate Black women and girls and explore the concepts of identity, sisterhood and personal power. They will engage in discussions, interactive exercises and writing activities that will further their understanding of self, beauty, family and culture.
The girls will also examine themselves and discuss strategies for developing and maintaining positive self-images.
Black Girl Magic is designed to introduce our daughters to writers of African descent, particularly women, and the brilliant stories they write. Through the literature’s female characters, the hope is that students will hear their voices amplified and see themselves more clearly. The purpose of this class is also to sharpen critical thinking and written and oral communication skills.

Ages 13-18
Hueman Anatomy through
pro-Ject ASE
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Class Description: Hueman Anatomy + Physiology through Pro-ject ASE Lens is a multi-faceted survey of the fascinating world of the Hueman Body. Through the ASE lens (artistic, scientific, and energetic vantage points), participants will approach and learn about the body structure, bones and muscle group using various art modalities, scientific terminology and concepts, and energetic exploration including Yoruba cosmology + concepts, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda (ancient Indian medicine).
The participants will create figurative drawings with pencil and render with watercolor. They will explore figure drawing of the entire body. The participants will also get an introductory understanding of anatomy and physiology. The class will culminate with a student exhibition and final critique with special invited artists.

Oluwatoyin Tella, MFA